3 Ways To Develop Concentration:

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The biggest challenge we face every single day, is the ability to concentrate with complete focus.
Concentration and focus can be very difficult in a world where we are constantly being distracted by our phones, social media, entertainment and other people.

If we are going to dominate and accomplish BIG things we are going to have to increase our own ability to concentrate. In order to immerse ourselves into our task and goals we must do the following:

Environment: No matter where we are or how we go about creating our work and dreams, we must make sure our general area is clean, clear, and free of distraction. Turn off the T.V. This is succeeding by any means necessary.

Hand Held Devices: First place the phone on air plane mode or turn it off. Close out all social media and enjoy the gift of silence and the freedom to tap into personal thoughts, creativity and potential.

Goal Planning: Before we start our week we must know what we are doing. Take a moment to jot down exactly what needs to be done. This is done in order to map out how we will achieve the goals with the time allocated. Knowing exactly what we have to do will increase our focus and stop us from becoming overwhelmed with our task.

Take advantage of these steps because eventually it will build the concentration muscle and over time one will be able to focus for hours on end.

Todays Focus: Stay focused on achieving the goal. Wade B. Townsend II