Embrace The Constraints


Many of us hate being placed in a creative box or the feeling of being limited with our creativity. Given a blank slate with creative freedom can be difficult, so instead holding a grudge against an idea box. Embrace the constraint because you start out with a creative idea given to you. Then take that idea and help it grow and flourish that idea into something extravagant. The majority of ideas are new connections between current knowledge, context and temporary ideas running through our minds.

Having a lack of constraints forces our brain to dig through all of its connections and ideas with NO starting point or a jump-start for the process. There is a potential solution, when you at least know what can and cannot be done in a project. Such as a new business solution or art medium. The next time you are at work or creating a at home hobby or project, and you are having a creative block. Do not try to “think outside of the box.” First figure out what constraints are actually creating the box you feel like you are in. Then and only then will it become easier to create the masterpiece that fits inside the box to perfection. Embrace the constraints and have a happy Monday.

Todays Focus:“Constraints propel innovation and force focus.” Wade Townsend II

Your Partner In Success,

Wade B. Townsend II