Forever Fearless

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When was the last time you truly felt brave? Have you ever been stripped of your comfort zone?

So many thoughts are in our heads of past failures and imperfections. People can be their own worst enemy. We as humans must stop the self-doubt and fear. Becoming fearless is not the point; it is the ability to control your fear, free yourself from it. Leave behind what can not be controlled; some dangers exist that are beyond our power. We have to accept that life will continue to happen, disruptions may occur. You can not make a blizzard go away, but you can prepare for it.

Figure out what you can control and what you can not. Assess the situation and know what to worry about and what not to. Understand that fear is an emotion and learn how to live with it. Honestly, many of our fears NEVER come true. In fact, it’s been said in my research that 80% of a person’s FEARS never happen. Regardless of percentages, I’m going to give you 5 tips to become fearless and share one FEARLESS video of an animal that has NO FEAR.  This is an animal that you should strive to have the courage of. Enjoy the video and tips below!


1. Give Back- Try mentoring or helping out at the local homeless shelter; some kind of positive act to the community or world. Giving and doing good deeds tend to make people feel better about their self being. This will have you on cloud 9, where fear becomes obsolete.

2. Fear List- Write your fears down and then write why you should NOT be afraid of them.

3. Meditation- Can work wonders in many areas, and here is another. The area of fear mediation can help you rid the negative and foresee the positive.

4. Fear Is An Emotion- Emotions are controllable once you practice fighting your inner fear. You will prosper and live positive.

5. Living In The Moment- Live in the moment because there will never be another moment like right now, because well, it’s “Right Now”. This doesn’t give you a chance to live with fear. When you live in the moment, there is no time to think about that emotional state.

Figure out what your fear is and conquer it. We should all strive to become the most fearless animal on the planet.

Todays Focus: “Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear. Figure out what you need to do to get there.” Wade Townsend II