Get Up and Get Things Done!

Get Things Done Monday Motive GSD-button

Show intention and purpose on Monday Mornings. It is time to remove the excuses! There are no more reasons why we CANNOT do something to make a difference It is time to make our intentions clear, to people around us and in the world.

There is nothing more powerful than a person with a purpose and whom knows exactly what they expect from themselves. There is a significant importance in our expectations and what the outcome should be. We must refuse to let our circumstances determine our fate. Every morning we must continue to wake up and jump into a focused and powerful state of mind. From there we will have the confidence to show up and show out, for the world will know we mean business!

Today’s Focus: “Intentions must be clear, actions must be effective” – Wade Townsend II

Your Partner In Success,

Wade Townsend II
Author, The Monday Motive