Live To Compete

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Sometimes there may not be an available advantage over the competition. It may be difficult to compete without the tools and resources to stand beside the big players in the industry. Out-work the competition and conquer the playing field.

Excuses are not allowed. Find a way to get up earlier, and stand up to the competition. Consider how a mentor once said “If you’re not prepared to out-work your competition and wake up before 5am every single day, then maybe it’s time to ask yourself how serious you are about your goals and dreams!”

Do not follow the trendy norm; be unusual, be abnormal, be obsessed, be psychotic for success and be prepared to wake up before the sun and work harder than anyone standing in the way. Make the commitment to become obsessed with success.

Todays Focus: “Out-work the competition and conquer the playing field.” -Wade Townsend II

Your Partner In Success,

Wade Townsend II

Author, The Monday Motive