There is a cure in kindness

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Two years ago, I got a new job. I moved to a new place, in a new location, with new people and new personalities. Relocating and starting a new job involves learning the behaviors and personalities of your new co-workers. I admit I have dealt with difficult co-workers at previous jobs and have handled it in various ways. One way, which I now recognize may not have been the best, was treating others the way they treated me.

I was letting others get under my skin and ruin my usual, upbeat mood. I started to question my erratic mood changes and heightened stress levels. I decided to research what would help me become stress free and not have such a short temper with difficult people. I learned to alter my reaction in dealing with difficult co-workers and peers. Instead of letting any situation get the best of me, I let things roll off my back or would go a step further and respond with sincere kindness. In the process, I gained an understanding that it was most important to genuinely be kind, I couldn’t just fake it.

Adapting this new skill of attempting to appreciate another persons different behaviors and quirks, did not come easily. It took a great deal of time, patience and practice to truly comprehend that not everyone has chemistry with others and we all have our moments where we aren’t our best selves. I have since practiced observing the behaviors and personalities of my peers and have learned to appreciate everyone, flaws and all.

Pay attention to what rubs people the wrong way, what often sets them off, and more importantly, what puts a smile on their face. I decided I will no longer expend wasted energy in simple tiffs of displeasure, from another person’s ugly behavior. Some people do not enjoy seeing others happy while there day is slowly slumping to the dumps. They may try to stretch their rain cloud to hover over your sunny day, and you have to make the choice to shoo them away. Go above and beyond, by sharing some joy with them; simply strike a conversation about one of their observed interests or perhaps give them a simple compliment. Stay above the cloudy fog of negativity by spreading kindness, not reacting, and simply strolling right along.

Todays Focus: “Change your world and those around you, with the kindness you share with others.” Wade B. Townsend II

To A Wiser You,
Wade B. Townsend II
Author Of The Weekely Focus