Don’t Get Stuck

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I have noticed something about myself recently. When I get my ideas and thoughts together I tend to iron out too many details of a project without ever working on the ACTUAL project. Sure, the creation and idea process must get developed before you map everything out how you want it. I spoke with one of my mentors about this habit. He let me know I cannot get stuck focusing on something too long. Then, he told me a story about the centipede and the frog. A story I had NEVER heard before. 

One day a centipede was crossing the road when a frog came hopping along. The frog asked the centipede, “How do you move with so many legs? The centipede started to ponder how he moved his many legs. Suddenly, the frog yelled, “Get off the road! A horse and buggy is coming.” In a panic, the centipede could not remember how to move his legs. Then, the buggy ran over that poor little centipede.

The morale of the story: Don’t spend so much time on all the details. Steady yourself on the right track and get it done. If it seems like something is slowing up the process, drop it and come back to it later. Many people jump up with ideas and often start out with good intentions to only end up getting stuck like the centipede in the story. Don’t get stuck!

Todays Focus: “Don’t stall your way to success, steady yourself on the right track and get it done.” – Wade Townsend II

Your Partner In Success,

Wade Townsend II

Author, The Monday Motive

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