Why did you do it if it doesn’t make you better?

Cut Off Negative People

Here are a few simple guidelines that can help us all effectively stay focused on our own individual visions.

It’s never easy to remove the negativity or dead weight out of our lives that just don’t add value. If it does not help us improve it is not worth the hassle. We must rid ourselves of the (Excuse my abbreviations) BS. I promise 99.9% of the time this will be the best decision one could make in their own life.

We all should do what works for us, because if you value family and friends this could get confusing. It can become conflicting. Find that balance where it is needed.

Do less to get more. This strategy is where we throw out the entire daily schedule. Start to rebuild our task that make us stronger. The ones that raise our created player rating attributes. After we knock out the hardest task then we can take on the easier ones.

Todays Focus: If it does not make us better than don’t do it. – Wade Townsend II