Never Settle


We should never settle for second when we deserve to be first. There is no life more valuable than the one we live, by putting ourselves down we will never succeed. Every move we make, is as important as the next. Every single failure has more value then we seem to realize. One must appreciate what they have, because some of us seem to find disappointment in what we don’t have. To achieve our goal of growing is the focal point. They say “The ignorance of success makes us think we have reached our peak.” We tend to value the failures far more then what one has accomplished. This is crazy because without them we wouldn’t have made it as far as we have. Discouragement is a disease that can kill you. Embrace Monday and know only the great ones fail TWICE in order to succeed, because anyone can fail ONCE. Ignore the progress of others, they are who they are and you are YOU! This is your movie, your script, you’re the main character not an extra on the set. So there is no need to worry about any competition. You are your competition.

Today’s Focus: “Life is your movie, your script, you’re the main character NOT an extra on the set.” – Wade Townsend II

Your Partner In Success,

Wade Townsend II
Author, The Monday Motive