3 Ways To Keep Your Holiday Spirit Year Round:


There is nothing like the “holiday spirit” that magically appears year in and year out. Of course, we run into a few Grinches and Scrooges around town, but for the most part, people seem to be filled with a giving attitude. I always thought it was funny how people seemed to be in a better mood during the months of Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the New Year. I understand why, but never understood why we couldn’t carry that attitude consistently through the year. It’s as if people are trying to be nice for the good karma or something.

Whatever the reasoning behind it may be, we must take this magical attitude, and use it to our advantage all year long. The sharing we do between these two months could easily top off someone’s entire year. I am certainly guilty of falling out of touch with people during the big 365 until Christmas, Thanksgiving or the New Year. So, I wanted to find a few ways to inspire you and myself to continue this holiday spirit everyday, not just for the two months of Tis The Season joy.

Become a giver: It will forever feel better to give than to receive. Extending any bit of kindness to others can increase your social connection and feelings of positivity for the donor.

Good Moods: A smile is infectious, but a mood is contagious. You can rub your mood of on anyone that’s nearby. So why not rub your positive vibes on others. Spread that positive energy through your actions and words. You can change the world instantly.

Don’t be a seasonal volunteer: Don’t just volunteer for the season. The completion of a volunteer event feels amazing. This can boost your moral, your MOMENTUM. It is a moment of self-completion and a blessing. We can’t receive enough blessings or good karma. You will gain personal growth through socializing and make an impact. You’ll know that you made a difference in the community. No matter your passion, however you get involved volunteering offers a way to have a real and lasting impact on the world.

Todays Focus: “Own all of the courteous and genuine aspects of the holidays. Apply it everyday with Good Samaritan service, to build relationships year round.” Wade Townsend II