Create The Motto Of A Purposeful Person.

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A personal motto is something to live by, it conveys your intentions, markets your personal brand, instills your values and deliberates your essence. A motto puts everything in perspective; it reminds you of why, you do what it is that you do. Your motto does for you what Rain-X does for windshields in a storm. It helps refocus any blurred vision you may have, when trying to achieve a goal.

I have learned that if you do not have a motto you truly do not have a purpose here. According to my dictionary a Motto: is a sentence or phrase chosen as encapsulating the beliefs or ideals guiding an individual, family, or institution. There are a few different ways to use a motto but in this article we will discuss YOUR personal motto first.

Creating a personal motto gives you something to LIVE by. It also holds you solely accountable for your actions by no one other than YOURSELF.

The first time I was asked what my “Personal Motto” is, the question threw me for a loop. I fumbled my words and felt completely awkward; I had never been asked such a thing. I only thought mottos were for fraternities, businesses and institutions etc. I never thought about my personal motto. I took my time and after I gathered my thoughts. The first thing that came to mind was my Faith in GOD. Secondly, I thought of focus, and my ability to “focus on my focus.” Meaning my beliefs, my passions, and my purpose, are what I need to devote my time and effort towards daily; all encompassing the correct habits to success. Lastly, is the purpose of why I am here; that is to live with a purpose.

Why are you on this earth? Why were you created? We all have a reason of being here, if you are not living with a purpose, then what are you here for? Below are 3 tips on how to create a personal motto.

Remember Mottos encapsulate our journey from the past to the present, and reflect our core beliefs and aspirations for the future.

1. Self-Evaluate – Think about what YOU want to stand for as a person. What do you want to be remembered by/for? What tradition do you want to uphold? What do you represent?

2. Uniqueness – Your motto should be one of a kind. It needs to be personal to you.

3. Brief is best – Be short and cut to the chase this is not a monologue. Keep it to 3-7 words MAX.

What is your personal motto? Create one and share it. So that you too, can inspire those who don’t have one.

Todays Focus: “To live life without a motto, is to live without clarity.” Wade Townsend II