Choices We Make

The Choices We Make

We all have choices before we begin our day every morning. These are decisions we have to make. Two important ones to be exact. One of them we can continue to make bad choices, and do what has gotten us the same repetitive results.
Or we can STOP leaving our goals behind and create new habits and routines that will get us on track. We must make the choice, and create the habits that will propel us to exactly where we want to be in life.

Here are three ways to create awesome habits:

  1. Start with a habit so easy anyone can do it – This will create the “Big Mo.” This is the momentum that will carry us with confidence into the next habit. Where the challenge will not be so easy.
  2. Know what is slowing us down – Figure out exactly what is holding us back from creating excellent habits. Find the cure to getting focused. This will help us eliminate the distractions from holding us back.
  3. Never miss twice – From now on we will do everything in our power not to fail twice. This will help us create amazing habits to follow daily. By us keeping the never missing a habit twice mindset, will keep us on our toes and on track to following the routine.

Today’s Focus: “Good habits are worth being excited over.” – Wade Townsend II

Your Partner In Success,
Wade Townsend II

Author, Wisdom Wednesday