How Will Smith Changed My Life:

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Awhile back I stumbled upon a video in youtube that changed my life. I love inspirational videos that people create on their on, of other videos. I found a compilation video of Will Smith’s “secretes to success” this is 9:56 seconds of life changing material in my opinion anyway. It woke me up, like nothing has ever got to me before. I shed a few tears feeling like I wasn’t living up to my potential and had me asking what was I going to do about it.
The fact of the matter is; if we as human beings don’t make a clear decision in our lives to become the best people we can be. We will never grow to our full potential. After a few talks from my #1 mentor my father telling me that I needed to continue to have BIG DREAMS, and how people with small dreams never live up to their max potential.

I started my path to acquire as much knowledge of topics that I WANTED to learn personally. From there I created this site and decided to go forth going for everything I’m passionate about and that is any and everything “creative.” This site, art, poetry and books etc.

So don’t sell yourself short, you have the ability to chose your life endeavors. So set up your dreams and realize the vision. Now it’s your turn to become inspired. check out the video below.

Youtube video: Will Smith Secrets To Success

Below are my KPI’s (Key Performance Inspirations) that I personally got from the video:

Key Performance Inspirations:

Have a great time with your life, share your life and passions.

Know that greatness isn’t illusive, know who you are and what you believe.

What would you die for? Don’t be afraid to die for what you believe in.

It doesn’t matter your situation or where you are in the world.

When it comes to your work and day to day goals. You do everything as perfectly and the best you can to reach the ultimate goal.

The world should be better than it was before you leave this earth.

You have to believe in YOURSELF before anyone else

Ignore Distractions

Successful people need to have a delusional belief

A Realistic mindset is a mediocre mindset

Our thoughts are Physical, commit and create that physical thrust toward realization

There is power in making a CHOICE

Focus on your focus…becoming obsessed with your dreams and passions

Fear motivates

Protect your dreams

if you Want something go get it!

I’d love to here yours, share them below in the comments.