Never Accept Limits


The reality of it all is we cannot except limitation in our lives. Its frustrating when we realize how much we hold ourselves back. Our minds have all been trained to set realistic limitations. It’s like we are well trained humans in a zoo or circus being restrained since birth. We’ve grown into being told what we can and cannot do, by setting realistic expectations. Growing up we are too young and naive to free our mind of any box we have been placed in. We struggle and fight to keep our youthful imagination until we eventually accept that there is no point to fight it anymore.

Then we grow into intelligent adults that could EASILY escape any box or standard we have been placed in or limited by. But we don’t. We no longer think outside the box. We no longer stretch our imagination. We no longer fight limitations.

Here is why!  Because we’ve accepted the limits and it has control over us.

The truth is, we ALL don’t have haters. We don’t have limits. We don’t live in a predetermined reality. We have excuses. These excuses create our limitations. We live in these limitations and set goals in these limitations. We dream and imagine inside of these limitations; created by thoughts in our head based on our environment and own unwillingness to live beyond that. We have to battle adversity and do the prerequisite work required for where we want to go in life. There is nothing more unappealing about a person than someone letting imaginary thoughts keep them from engineering the life they want for themselves.

Today’s Focus: “Never accept limitations. The only person who limits you, stares back at YOU in the mirror everyday.” – Wade Townsend II

Your Partner In Success,

Wade Townsend II
Author, The Monday Motive