The Gap Needs To Be Bridged

Sydney Harbour Bridge New South Wales

We all ultimately architect our own lives.
So why put up walls? It’s understandable that certain people in your life make you want to put up a wall. The biggest, tallest and thickest wall known to planet earth.

Why waste time on building a wall when you can build bridges with others?

There are more people willing to build a bridge with us than we think. It takes equally as much effort to build a wall as it does to build a bridge. This week allow yourself to build bridges and connections with others. Not waste time building a wall and cutting off other opportunities, with other people willing to help.

These connections we build are the bridges that we shall walk across to achieve our ultimate destinations. We can’t be afraid to connect and network with others on this journey called life. Be brave, be bold, and bridge the connections.

Today’s focus:
“Be brave, be bold, and bridge the connections.” Wade Townsend II