Today We Are All Rich:

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Maybe not with money or gold, but today we are all rich. Reflect and consider the abundance of wealth you have that is invaluable such as your friends, family, your health, your mind, body, and spirit. Many of us may not be happy because of our financial situation.

The ultimate wealth and riches are having the invaluable and intangible things that cannot be bought. So do not count the next person’s money and feel bad or discouraged of your situation. Know that your success comes with time, faith and consistent action. In the process, add to your riches by gaining knowledge, meeting new friends, strengthen your family ties, nurture your body and spirit.

Remember to not count the money of another next to you, not everyone feels as rich as you think. They may be missing a few of your wealthy attributes. Keep your faith, gain focus and finish your week strong.

Todays Focus: Remember to not count the money of another next to you, not everyone feels as rich as you think. They may be missing a few of your wealthy attributes. – Wade Townsend II

Your Partner In Successful,

Wade B. Townsend II
Author Of The Weekly Focus